3 countries, 3 agricultural machinery dealers, 6 pick-ups


The joint work of 3 countries and 3 agricultural machinery dealers has resulted in 6 pick-ups for 4 units of the Ukrainian army. This example shows that when it comes to something really important, no matter the distance, the time and the preparatory work, agricultural machinery dealers from different countries can come together to help the Ukrainian forces fighting the Russian aggressor. This week, 6 pick-ups finally arrived in Vinnitsa, which after a small preparation and inspection will be handed over to 4 different combat units of the Ukrainian Army, helping them to accomplish their difficult tasks!

To make this transfer possible, the work and help of the following companies was needed:

Audrokesta, UAB Lithuania

AMTEC Smart Farming Solutions – England

ABA Astra Ltd – Ukraine

On behalf of ABA Astra, we would like to thank Audrokesta and AMTEC Smart Farming Solutions for their help, patience, trust and help in this way to bring us closer to the Ukrainian victory every day, so that we can all finally get back to what we do best and what we love to do, and that is machinery trade and crop production!

We would also like to thank the Vinnitsa Regional State Administration who also stood by us and helped us to implement our project!

Glory to Ukraine!